Incorporate 7:1 Councils, align people, systems and processes into one council to meet the deadlines and business case.
Lead on new sales, business development activities and client relations. Relocation of services, Out of Hours Call Centre and new logo win.
Established new ways of working across the Council, produce templates and input commercial rigour to plan and forecast as a route to drive savings and joined up.
Two assignments to lead the contract management and outsourced contract and then to monitor, and oversee variations. Work closely with stakeholders and members incl regeneration projects.
Support to London Councils and Ealing Council as the lead, providing Commercial input to EY leading on the London 32 Council Fraud Hub Contract.
Dual role to lead the Group setup and consolidation of shared services in Newcastle and Director of Integrated Services to lead Partnership with NELC.
Review proposition to Kent CC and savings, produce bid content and stakeholder engagement for CGI. Be ready to lead and integrate outsourced business.
Delivering commercial efficiencies, savings, cost avoidance and procurement activities.
Contract database formed, renewals timely and procurements done at pace. New Policy in place and a forward pipeline of planned contracts to be proactive and resourced.
We have special expertise in Business Consulting, Commercial, Procurement, IT Support, Contracts, Tenders, Bids, Frameworks.
Fulmarks Financial Contracts Ltd
2 Dalewood Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S8 0EB, UK.
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